Removal Permanent Make Up and Body Tattoos

NanoRemoval technique use a product mainly composed of glycolic acid .

This ingredient has a high penetration , which is why it’s not necessary to expose the skin to severe treatments ( no more than 6 sessions ) because the product itself dos a large part of the work .

We apply the product by using a permanent make up machine or any rotatory tattoo machine that opens the skin and create a perfect channel for our product.

NanoRemoval technique is not color selective (therefore applicable to all pigments) , is effective ,does not damage the skin causing scars and it’s not overpriced .

When this technique is done correctly we can achieve outstanding results only in one or two sessions .


All permanent make up procedure are performed in a safe and sterile environment to avoid any risk of blood-borne pathogens .

• We disinfect the area before and after each client

• We use only disposable tools ( single use )

• We wear mask during procedure

• We choose only best quality products


Henna Brows


PhiBright Microneedling